Mats thoughts, photos and computer stuff

  • Enterprise Architecture, Applications and Technologies

    Enterprise Architecture, Applications and Technologies

    My job title is Enterprise Architect, with responsibility for the application and technology domains. There are numerous descriptions about what an Enterprise Architect (EA) does and what an EA delivers. And the community itself has not agreed about the definitions. A search on the internet (“what does an enterprise architect do”) gives me 62 million…

  • Leadership, responsibilities and delegation

    Leadership, responsibilities and delegation

    Related to the current course at work about how we are all leaders I continue to reflect on different aspects regarding responsibilities and how to delegate. It is fairly easy to judge a busy person and say that he or she should delegate more. But how do you delegate when your calendar is full and…

  • We are all leaders – train your brain

    We are all leaders – train your brain

    At work, we are part of a program called “We are all leaders”. These are my short notes, and I thought I could share them as well. Today’s session started with the correlation between happiness and productivity. (Sorry for my shaky drawings 🙂 Obviously I need to practice.) So how do you lead yourself towards…

  • Planting seeds in my Digital Garden

    Planting seeds in my Digital Garden

    Some learning moments are irreversible, and with that I mean that it’s more or less impossible to look at the world with the same eyes as before that moment. I have many hobbies and interests and I read a lot. I collect lots of information and keep my notes in many different places. Both digital…

  • Skräp, skräp, skräp

    Under våren och sommaren har vi fascinerats av den fantastiska insatsen som “Rena Mälaren” gör. Man har plockat upp 11 ton bilbatterier (bly), 305 elsparkcyklar, 1 bil, flera motorcyklar och 20 ton övriga sopor. Härifrån tar vi alltså vårt dricksvatten. Nu dyker vi inte, men vi tycker om att promenera. Framför allt på Kungsholmen och…

  • My first (stumbling) steps with Machine Learning

    My first (stumbling) steps with Machine Learning

    I have taken some courses on AI and Machine Learning, and wanted to take the next step to practice it by myself in order to learn more. So if you read this, please bare with me if I have misunderstood the concepts. In that case I appreciate feedback. I was thinking a lot about what…

  • My first 106 days

    My first 106 days

    I planned to write this post after 100 days at my new job. But my routines are currently dislocated, so I write this after 106 days instead. When starting a new job, there are many books and articles on the topic “first 100 days”. A search on the Internet gives approximately 7 810 000 000…

  • Thoughts on self-leadership and mastery

    Thoughts on self-leadership and mastery

    I like to read blogs, and I especially like to be inspired and learn about leadership matters. In this post I consider leadership to be the same as self-leadership, so it includes all of us whether you are a manager or not. There are two posts that very much influenced me in a positive way…

  • Leading in complexity – Integrating what I’ve learned

    We’re at the beginning of the end of the leadership program that I mentioned in an earlier blog post. The task for our next half day is to begin summarizing and integrating what we’ve learned from the program as a whole. We have learned many things. We have learned a lot from the program and…

  • Leading in complexity – Breathe in … Breathe out

    Leading in complexity – Breathe in … Breathe out

    I’m currently on a leadership program called “leading in complexity“. It’s divided in 4 full days and 5 half days divided over a couple of months. In between the different teams meet and discuss and do different exercices. The complexity model we discussed on the first meeting is based on the book “Strategic management and…

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