Tag: Development

  • Hello CP/M z80-world

    Hello CP/M z80-world

    Actually I don’t know how I ended up exploring CP/M, and that is probably a story in itself. But here I am, summarizing my experiences from getting CP/M up and running on an Altair simulator and writing Hello World in z80 assembly. Getting the environment up and running The simulator altairz80 and cpm2 disk images…

  • Silly explorations in assembly part 2

    Silly explorations in assembly part 2

    I continue to explore assembly language and how to call functions from C. This time we travel back in time to the mid 80s and leave the 64-bit arena that I described here: https://matspetterss.wordpress.com/2023/01/02/silly-explorations-in-assembly-part-1/. OS/2 1.3 – 16-bit I start with OS/2 1.3 that was released somewhere in 1990. It’s a 16-bit operating system, so…

  • Silly explorations in assembly part 1

    Silly explorations in assembly part 1

    I actually don’t know what triggered me, but I wanted to better understand the differences in how parameters are passed between functions in different operating systems based on the Intel architecture. At the same time I wanted to keep the scope limited and reuse one C program to be used as driver, and one assembler…

  • Lifelong learning and Applied IoT as a summer course

    Lifelong learning and Applied IoT as a summer course

    What doesn’t grow, dies. That is a valid statement for many situations, but I think it is especially valid when it comes to knowledge. Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing area in the business I’m working in, and it is an area I find very interesting. These small devices are our ears and eyes…

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